Saturday, February 20, 2010

This weekend I'm working, of course. I'm getting organized for our move in 1 week. And there's a lot to organize. Tomorrow I want to go to Target. I want to get new kids dishes, a hamper, toaster and I'm not sure what else. I'm usually not into chain stores, restaurants etc. But I love Target. There's something about walking around 1 store and being able to get almost anything you could need that is nice. When you have 2 kids in tow you just need a store where you can stick your kids in a shopping cart and go. I think that's why I'm not so into shopping malls anymore. It's pointless. You have to bring the stroller and with 2 kids in a double stroller there's no room for packages, or you have room for packages and a older kid whining at some point. I know people have been doing this for years and years but somehow right now everything just seems so difficult. okay, enough with the poor me rant. We took some pics of the restaurant last night for our new website. We took about 10 of me and Tim, I think this was the best one.

1 comment:

designHER Momma said...

Target. I'm in looooove. I can take 3 kids there easily.